Friday, February 27, 2009

Welcome to The Elusive Tongue

Welcome to The Elusive Tongue Blog. My fascination with words has led me in many directions. One of them has been to create a weekly column of subject-grouped, off-beat, word quizzes. I will post a quiz a week, with the answers the following week. I will also make occasional posts about words, writing and the writing life. I hope you have fun with the quizzes.

Your Scrivener,


  1. "Altiloquence" is in german "Zungenrede" - this is what Petrus & his folks does after receiving thetongues of flames ("Flammenzungen") ...

  2. Altiloquence - is this for sure the english word for "Zungenrede" - that stuff Petrus & the gang did after receiving the tongues of fire?
