Saturday, April 18, 2009

Days into Weeks, Weeks into Seasons

Days into Weeks, Weeks into Seasons

Time may or may not be on our side, but all of the following words deal with some measure of time, weather it be by the clock or the season. Don’t wait forever, make use of your limited time and see how temporally linguistic you are.

Biannual: (adj) a) occurring twice a year b) occurring every two years c) occurring for two years d) a and b

Biennial: (adj) a) occurring every two hundred years b) lasting two hundred years c) occurring every two years or for a two year duration d) something that runs for two years, stops for two years and then starts again for a two year period

Diurnal: (adj) a) plants that shed their leaves in winter. b) daily; of, relating to or occurring in the day. c) occurring every month. d) of or pertaining to night.

Fortnight: (n) a) the seemingly slow passage of time on night watch--used in military or police work. b) actually two months--the period of time it took for the cavalry to complete a fort in the old west. c) four days and three nights, a common “get-away” package. d) two-weeks.

Hiemal: (adj) pertaining to... a) a medical condition that worsens over time b) a period of hibernation c) winter d) spring

Hodiernal (adj) pertaining to.. .a) today b) tomorrow
c) yesterday. d) never.

Neoteric: (adj) a) a blending of science and religion over time. b) recent, modern.
c) outdated. d) happening every nine months.

Nocturnal: (adj) a) nightly; of or relating to, or occurring in the night. b) of or pertaining to or occurring in the day. c) eternal. d) describing something that happens once a year.

Nudiustertian: (adj) of or pertaining to...a) tomorrow. b) things that happen in the month of November. c) the time before clothing. d) the day before yesterday.

Nychthemeron: (n) a) another name for “Old man Time” so often picture in New Years cartoons. b) a 24 hour period. c) a period of darkness. d) when it is both hot and dark.

Penteteric: (adj) recurring every...a) five weeks. b) five days. c) five business days. d) five years

Perendinate: (vt & i) to...a) move backwards in time. b) postpone. c) go on a seemingly endless blind date. d) rent a time share on a condo or apartment.

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